Vitta Virtuel

Life, technology, fashion or just "I can't sleep tonight" kinda thoughts. Feelings, observations. Commercial or not, it's Vitta Virtuel

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

1600m above the cold

It's Christmas, warm inside. My sweetheart is in front of me, reading german. Long day of snowboarding and skiing and wonderful evening.

Far from civillization, but i only miss work. This means super focus when returning to Flashneta.

I must go now, Cinzia-baby is waiting for me.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bloging with SE K800i

I'm a proud owner of a Sony Ericsson K800. It's a very well balanced phone. Being a gadget-fan and web dev, the "Send to blog" function caught my eye. It's pretty straight forward and easy to use. It automatically creates a new blog on and posts your article and picture there. Quick and easy.
When a blog is created, you receive a claim token ( some kind of password ) for your blog. The blog's name is random. You can change it from your Blogger account.
What happens if you lose this token? Well, every post you make from the phone is automatically sent to the same blog.
If you want to send pictures/posts to another blog from your K800 and you lost your token, you're stuck. No way out. I've googled a bit around and found that other people had the same problem. I've found an alternative solution. I erased my current blog associated for k800 ( it was only a test anyway) and sent a new picture/text to Blogger using the "Send to blog" function of the phone. I hoped it will create a new blog ( and send me a new token ) so it did :D. Now I could merge my current Vitta Virtuel Blog with my phone using

All set up to blog from anywhere.

A configuration section for blog in K800 could be nice, but maybe this is just an experiment. SE is keeping itself in touch with the trends. Maybe this feature will come up in the K850 :D

Why do babies look scared?

Because they found out they came into a world with Chuck Norris

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Welcome to my 1st blog. I hope i'll be seeing you around again. Every posting is made to wake a certain feeling in the heart and brain of the reader, so read carefully, think, feel and Contact Me for feedback. Cheers!

Read, live, write, grow.